Basic Unit

Basic Unit

The LWI enables varied welded joints – even with the most varying materials and the smallest dimensions. The small heat input guarantees at the same time a constant high quality without material distortion and a homogeneous structure.

Flexible for Every Use
Due to the laser head that can be positioned freely the LWI is suitable as both manual workstation and portal laser for larger workpieces and also as partly or fully automated system with up to five axles.

High Security of Investment in New Fields of Application
The LWI enables the integration into existing product lines by using existing interfaces. This means for you a high security of investment even when you enlarge the field of application.

Fantastic Price-Performance Ratio
Due to the laser’s high performance and functionality the LWI captivates with its extraordinarily favourable price and laser welding repair.

Every system is microprocessor controlled in all the functions and equipped with an automatic self diagnosis system. Every system has CAN and RS 234 interfaces at its disposal.

*the size of the spot depends on the focal length of the employed lenses. The adjustment range of the spot diameter is within the range of 50 µm up to 2,5 mm depending on the configuration of the system.

**the enlargement of the optical system depends on the combination of eye-piece and lenses. The standard enlargement is 20. Enlargements of tenfold to hundredfold are possible. The high performance microcon-troller has a CAN bus system for the connection of several automation modules at its disposal. The integrated error analysis system reports established errors and gives advice for their elimination.

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